Child Custody & Adoption, Dear Attorneys Column, Divorce, Wolf & Shore BlogApril 20, 2023Would I Be Violating My Court Order if I Move to Another State With My Child?
Child Custody & Adoption, Dear Attorneys Column, Divorce, Wolf & Shore BlogApril 12, 2023Can I Have My New Spouse Handle My Child Support With the Law Firm and My Ex-Spouse?
Child Custody & Adoption, Dear Attorneys Column, Divorce, Prenups & Postnups, Wolf & Shore BlogMarch 23, 2023What Does My Attorney Mean by ‘marital assets’, When We Have Kept Everything Separate?
Child Custody & Adoption, Divorce, Wolf & Shore BlogMarch 22, 2023How to Plan for Educational Financing During a Divorce
Child Custody & Adoption, Dear Attorneys Column, Divorce, Wolf & Shore BlogMarch 8, 2023What Do I Do if I Feel like My Soon-to-be-Ex Spouse is Not Taking Care of Our Child During Their Parenting Time?
Child Custody & Adoption, Dear Attorneys Column, Divorce, Wolf & Shore BlogDecember 28, 2022I Can’t Agree with My Ex-Spouse on Anything, How Can I Change My Divorce Agreement to be More Specific?
Child Custody & Adoption, Child Protection, Dear Attorneys Column, Divorce, Wolf & Shore BlogDecember 7, 2022I Don’t Like How My Spouse is Treating My Kids When I’m Not Around, I Want to Call DCF, But My Attorney Told Me No, Why?
Child Custody & Adoption, Dear Attorneys Column, Divorce, Wolf & Shore BlogNovember 30, 2022I Want To Pay a Lump Sum to My Child’s Parent to “Buy-Out” Child Support, Can I Do That?
Child Custody & Adoption, Dear Attorneys Column, Divorce, Wolf & Shore BlogNovember 9, 2022I Pay Child Support, There are New Tax Rules for 2023, How Do I Know if I’m Still Paying the Right Amount?
Child Custody & Adoption, Dear Attorneys Column, Divorce, Wolf & Shore BlogOctober 26, 2022My Child is Only Home in the Summer and a Couple Weeks Around Christmas, Can I Stop Making Child Support Payments?
Child Custody & Adoption, Dear Attorneys Column, Divorce, Wolf & Shore BlogOctober 6, 2022I Make More Money Than My Soon-to-be-Ex-Spouse, Can I Still Receive Child Support?
Child Custody & Adoption, Dear Attorneys Column, Divorce, Wolf & Shore BlogSeptember 22, 2022I Think My Ex-Spouse is Going to Violate Out Custody Agreement, Can I File a Motion for Contempt Now?