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What is a Post-Judgment Action?

A post-judgment action is a case that is opened after the final judgment has been entered with the court. This is typically done in one of two ways, a modification or a contempt motion.

There are plenty of reasons why you may need to modify an underlying agreement, but the moving party must meet the threshold of a substantial change in circumstances, or be able to assert reasonable grounds as to why such a modification would be in the child(ren)’s best interest. The court requires that Substantial changes may include, but are not limited to a change in a party’s income, a change in the physical custody arrangement, or even an emergency.

Contempt is when a party willfully does not abide by a current Court Order. For an example, if one parent does not stay current on their child support obligation a motion for contempt may be filed in order to pursue a remedy.

Why Choose Wolf & Shore Law Group to Represent You in Your Post-Judgment Matter?

Looking to make your post-judgment matter easier, not harder? More civilized and less stressful? Choose Wolf & Shore Law Group. Attorneys Kristen Wolf and Shari Shore are both tenacious enough to protect your best interest and compassionate enough to help get you through the stress of a post-judgment case.

Ever argue with a woman? Let Wolf & Shore Law Group go to work for you. Click here or call us at 203.745.3151.

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