Summertime and the loving is easy? Not always.
There is a reason that the song’s lyrics are ” and the living is easy.” Summertime for many families feels more relaxed, without the commitment of school and multple extracurricular activities, making it that much easier to just live in the moment and enjoy the season. Right? Sometimes.
Other times, during a season when families think they should feel less stressed, they end up worrying about about their relationship with their spouse. Family vacations often add emotional or financial stress, and many couples struggling with their marriage put it “on hold” until the kids are back in school.
Unfortunately, that strategy often delays the inevitable and makes the summer feel long and frustrating, which can ultimately take the focus away from the time that you really want to spend with your children.
Are you considering divorce but thought it should wait? Would you be more comfortable if you had an initial conversation and started to prepare? If so, Contact us so that we can help put your mind at ease this summer and prepare you to transition to your divorce process when you are ready.