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In a divorce, emotions are bound to be at an all-time high. It can be one of the most difficult times in someone’s life.  The range of feelings you may experience can be enough to completely burn you out, and you must make time to take care of yourself so that emotional burn out doesn’t happen.

The range of feelings you can experience during your divorce may take you by surprise. You may not know how to process or describe exactly what you’re going through.

While being emotional in the midst of a major life change is nothing short of normal, you should be careful not to make rash decisions in your case. Make sure you have a thorough understanding of what you’re agreeing to. Take notes to reflect back on once you’ve cleared your head, and be sure to ask your attorney any questions you may have.

You may also need to contact a counselor to help you navigate through this time in your life. Seeing a professional can be extremely helpful, and gives you the rare opportunity to vent to someone with no opinion on your matter. They can give you unbiased advice, and that reassurance is often needed to avoid emotional burnout.

Keeping yourself calm doesn’t just help you, but helps others around you. Your loved ones will see the change for the better once you gain control over your feelings and start making informed decisions.

Seeing through the “emotional cloud” can be a challenge, but Wolf & Shore, LLC is here to help! Not only do we handle hundreds of divorce cases, but we also work with counselors and other professionals to take some of the burden off of your shoulders.

You can contact our office for a confidential consultation here, at 203.745.3151, or at


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