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It is a common misconception that all moms get sole custody of their children. While all children need a mother’s guidance and nurturing, this does not mean that moms automatically are granted sole legal or physical custody of their children. That same concept applies to all the dads out there!

Both parents are entitled to have access to, and have parenting time with their children, barring any serious circumstances. Those circumstances may include, but are certainly not limited to, addiction problems, history of abuse, imprisonment, and/or mental instability.

The court will determine what is in the best interest of the children, and takes into account their safety. However, parents do not get awarded sole legal or physical custody simply because “they believe they are the best option.” All kids deserve a relationship with both their parents regardless of the relationship between the two, and they also are entitled to the support of, and from, both parents.

Not all co-parents see eye to eye on everything that goes on in their children’s lives. This might even include religious upbringing, what school they go to, and even how they are disciplined.

Wolf & Shore Law Group has handled hundreds of co-parenting disputes during divorce, custody, and post-judgment matters. We are happy to negotiate on behalf of our clients, and discuss the tough subjects for them when the need arises. We also work with co-parenting counselors, and would be able to refer you if needed.

If you need a confidential consultation regarding the custody of your children, or a co-parenting dispute, please contact us today! We can be reached here, at 203.745.3151, or

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