A QDRO stands for a “Qualified Domestic Relations Order.” A QDRO is a judicial order entered as part of a property division in a divorce or legal separation that splits a retirement plan or pension plan.
In laymen’s terms, a QDRO helps split your marital assets in employee-sponsored retirement benefits from your former spouse.
So, will you need a QDRO in your divorce? The majority of our clients do in fact need to execute a QDRO. It is required when the court awards part of one spouse’s employer-provided retirement plan to the other spouse. It is a way to access the monies without penalties from the fund. The division will be drafted within your divorce agreement, but a QDRO is what is needed to execute that division.
While our firm does not directly execute QDRO’s, we work closely with other professionals we are happy to refer you to. Also, we can represent you in a post-dissolution matter to ensure the QDRO is executed in a timely manner.
It is important to file a QDRO immediately after your dissolution agreement. Most plans require very specific language and if your Agreement or Court Order specifies that market gains and/or losses are to be taken into account, that needs to ultimately be reflected.
Our firm understands that not everyone will be comfortable trying to divide their financial assets, and it is important to make sure you receive what you are entitled to. If you need assistance in your matter, contact us today for a confidential consultation! We can be reached here, at 203.745.3151, or info@wolfandshorelaw.com.