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Wolf & Shore, LLC is nationally recognized for client satisfaction and superb legal representation. Do you know what else we have been recognized for? Having an all-female office.

That’s right, Wolf & Shore is an all-female practice. Attorney Kristen Wolf and Attorney Shari-Lynn Cuomo Shore are the Owners and Partners of the firm, and our staff is comprised of all female paralegals.

Having a combined 16 years of experience, Attorneys Wolf and Shore have made a name for themselves locally and nationally. No glass ceiling exists in our office. Wolf & Shore strives to empower our staff, and our clients, regardless of their gender, in everything we do.

Wolf & Shore, LLC represents both men and women, however, we often see that more of our divorce clients are males than other areas such as custody or post-judgment motions. This could be from a variety of factors, but ultimately, it shows us that we are a strong firm that attracts clients from all backgrounds.  Attorney Wolf and Attorney Shore have built their practice by finding the “sweet spot” between negotiating and zealously standing firm in their beliefs.  We have the talent to negotiate favorable settlements and the “in the trenches” trial experience to fight the toughest battles.

Wolf & Shore, LLC has settled hundreds of cases for men and women alike. We believe in reaching a reasonable agreement by being collegiate and amicable, and we know how to “turn it up” when necessary too. Our firm settles more than 90% of our cases. What else would you expect?

Ever argue with a woman?

If you need a confidential consultation, you can reach our office here, at 203.745.3151, or at

To hear more about all-female practices, and how they can better help you, you can check our this Family Lawyer Magazine article.

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