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Wages paying for college

The class of 2021 will be graduating high school soon!  That means if you are a parent of a soon-to-be-graduate, you may need to start considering how to pay for college. It is such a wonderful time in a parent’s life to watch their kids go off to college. However, sometimes being divorced puts a damper on the situation if you are unsure how to facilitate payment for their schooling.

If your divorce agreement has a clause granting the court jurisdiction over post-secondary education, then you can file a post-judgment motion with the court if you and your ex-spouse cannot reach an agreement as to the financial details. It is certainly ideal if you and your ex-spouse can reach an agreement outside of court, but if you cannot, then at least you have a remedy through the court. If, however, you did not request that the court retain jurisdiction over post-secondary education, then you may not have a legal remedy. In either situation, it may be best to consult with an attorney and see what options you have. If you are unsure if the court retained jurisdiction, or if your dissolution agreement seems confusing on the subject, you can review the relevant statute here.

By consulting with your attorney, you can assess finances and figure out the best way to proceed. Wolf & Shore Law Group can quickly and efficiently draft the motion and help put your mind at ease. It’s imperative to file sooner rather later, especially with courts still having delayed (and virtual) proceedings due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Attorneys Kristen Wolf and Shari Shore have over 22 years of combined experience. They are both tenacious enough to protect your best interest and compassionate enough to help get you figure this out so that you can focus on your family. Let our office make your modification easier, not harder.

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