Do you like attending court virtually? It certainly has pros and cons. While these virtual changes were originally thought to be temporary and would retreat with the pandemic, it now looks like that at least some virtual court appearances may be here to stay. The process of hearing family law cases has drastically changed. Now, almost everything except emergency matters is being held virtually, and many things, such as status conferences and judicial pre-trials may continue to remain virtual long-term.
Even though the procedures may be different, the laws remain the same. In the midst of COVID-19, your parenting plan is still in effect. Court orders still need to be followed, and you need to make sure that you continue to act in your children’s best interest.
While it may be frustrating for most court hearings to be virtual, it is imperative that you have patience, and that you work with your attorney to move things along as quickly as possible. If for any reason your case is not being heard in a timely manner, your attorney may be able to either request a status conference, or file a motion for an earlier hearing. It is not guaranteed that either request will be granted, but it may be helpful to at least try.
Navigating these uncharted waters can be very overwhelming, but luckily you do not have to do it alone. Wolf & Shore Law Group is prepared to help you every step of the way. Whether you need out of court advisement, mediation, or representation in court, we are here to help you.
Let our office make your family law issues easier, not harder. Attorneys Kristen Wolf and Shari Shore have over 22 years of combined experience. They are both tenacious enough to protect your best interest and compassionate enough to help get you through a difficult situation, while ensuring that everything remains in the best interest of your children. Ever argue with a woman? Let Wolf & Shore Law Group go to work for you. Click here, call us at 203.745.315, or email us at