Men and women do almost everything just a little differently from each other. Bathing, eating, working out, even sleeping habits, can be on completely different ends of the spectrum. They even argue differently!
A survey by found that “women often try to get their point across by asking many types of questions, either designed to present an opposition or gather data. Men’s contributions to arguments are often simple and direct. They might not even be aware a conflict is occurring.”
Women will typically “out-argue” a man. They wish to find a solution to the problem, no matter how small. Whether the problem is not doing the dishes, or something much more in depth like finances, there is an unwavering pursuit of closure.
Men would much rather handle one issue at a time, directly and quickly. They do not usually incorporate other scenarios or become anecdotal when trying to get their point across. Men are less likely to negotiate, and more likely to change the subject, or give in, to end an argument.
Sometimes opposites attract, but most of the time incessant arguing will lead to the dissolution of a marriage. Differences in arguing styles and perceptions can be extremely difficult to overcome.
Wolf & Shore Law Group has handled hundreds of divorce cases, and with an all-female firm we certainly know how to argue on your behalf. While we remain reasonable, and are always willing to negotiate, we will never back down when it comes to you want, need and deserve throughout your divorce.
Our client base is comprised equally of men and women and they all have one thing in common-they want their divorce resolved as quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively as possible. Wolf & Shore Law Group knows how to zealously advocate on your behalf. Have you ever argued with a woman? ™
Contact our office today for a confidential consultation. We can be reached here, at 203.745.3151, or at