Dear Attorneys,
I’m going through a very emotional divorce and considering using a divorce coach. She said she could work “in tandem” with my divorce attorney, but I don’t know what that means.
Coaching Curious
Dear Coaching,
Divorce coaching can be a great tool to use in conjunction with your divorce. Often, clients will work with a divorce coach to help alleviate some of their emotional concerns before they come to us with questions. We have had feedback from clients that this helps minimize their bill with our office, but also that they feel more prepared walking into a meeting with us because they have already talked through the situation with the coach beforehand. While a divorce coach is never required, it could add a positive benefit to your overall divorce process. While we do not have a designated divorce coach within our office, we do work closely with some if our clients ever request such.
Wolf & Shore Law Group is here to help you make your family law matters easier, not harder. We are realistic and up front with our clients. We encourage potential clients to seek out a firm where they will feel comfortable and confident. Ever argue with a woman? Let Wolf & Shore Law Group go to work for you. Call us at 203.745.3151 or email us at
Very Truly Yours,
Wolf & Shore Law Group
*The situations represented in our Dear Attorneys column are entirely fictional and any resemblance to a specific case is unintentional. We cannot, and will not, offer legal advice to anyone who is not a client. However, if you do have questions or concerns, you should contact an attorney at your convenience.