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Thanksgiving Eve, otherwise known as “Black Wednesday,” is the most popular night of the year to go out drinking at bars. Thanksgiving weekend is also the most traveled weekend in the nation. This combination results in the most DUI arrests all year.

From Thanksgiving Eve through Christmas, there are 45 fatalities per day involving an alcohol impaired driver in America. This number will only increase, climbing to 54 fatalities per day, as New Year’s Eve approaches.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been campaigning “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” for years now, and the message is clear. With the increased vigilance on Thanksgiving Eve, and throughout the holiday season, it is more likely than ever for an intoxicated driver to be pulled over.

Wolf & Shore, LLC wants to remind you that drinking and driving do not mix. There is never an excuse to get behind the wheel if you’re intoxicated. If you don’t have someone to call to get you home safely, try using Uber or Lyft, or another similar service. This Thanksgiving Eve, make sure to secure a designated driver. You can also call AAA for help. They offer a Holiday Safe Ride Program for members and non-members.

Wolf & Shore, LLC wishes you a safe holiday, and hopes that you drive safely and always drink responsibly.

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