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National Happiness Day

Did you know that August 8th is National Happiness Happens Day? This nationally recognized holiday reminds us to find joy in even the small things.

Sometimes it seems like happiness is an unattainable goal, especially during divorce. Wolf & Shore, LLC knows that separation is never easy, and that finding the silver lining can be extremely hard. Sometimes though, when we force ourselves to find something happy in our lives, we actually become just a bit happier!

There is always a bright side to every situation, and National Happiness Happens Day helps us find it. If you are going through a divorce, it could be that you find a new sense of independence. Maybe you will even have more time to do things for yourself. Self-care is very important and helps keep us as happy as possible.

On this Happiness Happens Day, reflect on what brings you joy in life. Whether it’s spending time with your children, going for a walk, or your first sip of coffee in the morning, there is always something that can bring a smile to your face.

If you are truly unhappy in your marriage, you can try to suggest counseling. Our office works with counselors for marriage and co-parenting and would be happy to refer you to a professional if necessary.

We can draft a comprehensive parenting plan for you, which will minimize some stress and help you set up a schedule. Knowing that you’ll be seeing your kids will give you something to look forward to, and hopefully make some happiness happen!

If you think you need some help finding the first step in the right direction, our firm would be happy to schedule you a confidential consultation with Attorney Kristen Wolf or Attorney Shari-Lynn Cuomo Shore.

You can contact us here, at 203.745.3151, or at

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