Domestic violence is a global issue. Not only is it wide spread, domestic violence is deeply ingrained into society, and has serious impacts on women’s health and well-being. Its cost to individuals, to health systems, and to society is enormous.
Domestic violence can be described as “the power misused by one adult in a relationship to control another.” It is the establishment of control and fear in a relationship through violence, and other forms of abuse. This violence can take the form of physical assault, psychological abuse, social abuse, financial abuse, or sexual assault.
Wolf & Shore, LLC wants victims of abuse to know that we are here to help. We know that our callers are often in immediate danger, and encourage you to call the police in an emergency. Our firm has handled hundreds of civil restraining orders. These restraining orders will not only protect you, but your children as well.
Our office can also file “ex-parte” motions (emergency motions) for custody of your children. They are filed with the court and ruled on during the same day to be as fast acting as possible.
If you are in need of a restraining order, do not hesitate to call our office. You can contact us here, at 203.745.3151 or to set up your confidential consultation today.
Again, if you are in immediate danger always call the police first.