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Dear Attorneys,

My oldest was “going away to college” this year, but now all of her classes will be held virtually. Do I still have to pay for that? I mean, it should be significantly cheaper now that it’s not “real” class. I know my divorce agreement says I need to pay half of all post-secondary education expenses, but shouldn’t I get a break on this?

Very Truly Yours,

College Bound


Dear College Bound,

While it would be great if it could work out that way, you will likely still need to contribute to your daughter’s college expenses. Whether or not her school lowers the cost due to the inability to live on campus, and/or provide other amenities, if you dissolution agreement states you need to contribute to the costs, you will need to pay your portion. That said, you may pay a lower amount overall, and you should reference your divorce agreement to see the actual statute that applies. There are actual criteria that (usually) need to be met when it comes to post-secondary educational expenses.

If you have had a significant change of circumstance since your divorce agreement was entered, you may be able to modify the amount that you are required to contribute. We understand that it may seem like too much effort with everything else going on, but it may be best for you, and possibly your child, to assess your options. Wolf & Shore Law Group is here to make your post-judgment medication easier, not harder.

Attorneys Kristen Wolf & Shari-Lynn Cuomo Shore will work tirelessly to help determine the new contributions for your child’s post-secondary education costs. Plus, with 20 years of combined experience, you will rest assured knowing that they are tenacious enough to protect your best interests, and compassionate enough to help you through this process.

Ever argue with a woman? Let Wolf & Shore Law Group go to work for you. Contact us here, call us at 203.745.3151, or email us at

Very Truly Yours,

Wolf & Shore Law Group


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