Most likely, but not automatically. Check out this article to see if you have a need for a post-judgment motion.
Dear Attorneys Column
This month, you’ve asked about negotiating personal property. Check out our answer here: Dear Attorneys Column.
Happy Holidays from Wolf & Shore Law Group! Please note that our office will be closed Friday, December 24th, 2021 and Friday, December 31st, 2021 as we take time to celebrate withour families.
Client Testimonials
“[Wolf & Shore LLC was] professional and friendly. I have been very happy with the timely communication this office provided.” – H.F., Cheshire, CT
Wolf & Shore is still providing tele-law services!
We are thankful that the State of Connecticut is opening back up. However, we are also cognizant of the fact that many people still want, or need, virtual services. Wolf & Shore Law Group will continue to offer tele-law services for consultations, mediations, negotiations and general client meetings. We can serve our clients virtually for most aspects of their cases. Or, we can meet with clients in person as needed. Wolf & Shore Law Group is here to make your legal matter as easy as possible. Check out our new booking calendar to schedule your consultation today!
Quarantine requirements and safety recommendtions are still often changing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Struggling to figure out how your parenting plan comes into play? Check ou tthis article.
Wolf & Shore Law Group | P. 203.745.3151 | F. 203.891.6479 | | | 167 Capt. Thomas Blvd. West Haven, CT 06516