Dear Attorneys,
My fiancé and I recently got engaged. However, we have both been previously married and divorced, and I’m not sure if we will ever actually go forward with our wedding. Can we just do a pre-nuptial agreement to govern how we share our money in the interim?
Eagerly Engaged Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth,
Congratulations on your engagement! While we hear this type of question often, the answer is actually no, a pre-nuptial agreement cannot govern how to share your money with someone prior to your marriage. The concept of a pre-nuptial agreement (also known as an ante-nuptial agreement) is to protect and govern your assets if you and your spouse ever get divorced. People do it prior to their marriage to protect their pre-marital assets and/or income they earn during the marriage. However, two unmarried people living together simply need to make their own decisions about how to pay for expenses, share (or not share) their income, and things like that. Additionally, when you are living together and married, the pre-nuptial agreement still has no actual bearing (unless you both mutually agree to such). It is absolutely worth consulting with an attorney if you have questions like this though. In some instances, you may want to implement a cohabitation agreement instead.
Remember, you don’t have to navigate this challenging situation alone. Seek support from experienced professionals who can guide you through the legal process and help you make informed decisions. Wolf & Shore Law Group is here to help you make your family law matters easier, not harder. We are realistic and direct with our clients. We encourage potential clients to seek out a firm where they will feel comfortable and confident. Ever argue with a woman? Let Wolf & Shore Law Group go to work for you. Call us at 203.745.3151 or email us at info@wolfandshorelaw.com.
Very Truly Yours,
Wolf & Shore Law Group
*The situations represented in our Dear Attorneys column are entirely fictional and any resemblance to a specific case is unintentional. We cannot, and will not, offer legal advice to anyone who is not a client. However, if you do have questions or concerns, you should contact an attorney at your convenience.