Dear Attorneys,
I told my attorney to ask for a specific amount in alimony, and she told me that I was being unreasonable. I don’t see why she won’t ask for what I want. Isn’t that her job?
Wanting Wendy
Dear Wendy,
It is your attorney’s job to advocate for you and to counsel you. However, it is also important for her to be open and honest with you. At Wolf & Shore Law Group, we try to explain everything to the client in advance and give them an idea of what a judge would likely order. This way, we can temper client expectations. If she is telling you that something is unreasonable, then it may mean that it is outside the realm of possibilities in your case, and she may want you to help you set more reasonable expectations. Ultimately, just like everything else, if you have concerns about anything at all, you should ask your attorney to discuss such with you.
Wolf & Shore Law Group is here to help you make your family law matters easier, not harder. We are realistic and direct with our clients. We encourage potential clients to seek out a firm where they will feel comfortable and confident. Ever argue with a woman? Let Wolf & Shore Law Group go to work for you. Call us at 203.745.3151 or email us at info@wolfandshorelaw.com.
Very Truly Yours,
Wolf & Shore Law Group
*The situations represented in our Dear Attorneys column are entirely fictional and any resemblance to a specific case is unintentional. We cannot, and will not, offer legal advice to anyone who is not a client. However, if you do have questions or concerns, you should contact an attorney at your convenience.